
Im A Hands On Type Of Girl

I have always been intrigued by the idea of driving gloves. I understand that people wore than back in the day when steering wheels were wooden or made of metal and that they may have not had a heating system in their automobiles, but I still really want a pair.

I wonder how silly I would look wearing them while driving my CR-V (that already has a steering wheel cover) in the middle of summer…

Perhaps I will wait till it gets cold again to wear these fine Dunhill driving gloves

My Heart Just Skipped A Beat

No no, those aren't the Stella McCartney Mesh Sandals. No, these babies are by BEBE at the very affordable price of $139.00. Apparently they also had them in white which sold out in hours, and i can see why. Other than the use of shiny patent on the black ones, they are really quite lovely.

Compare to the real deal at $995

photo credits: nitrolicious.com,ebay seller:jeanpedroza, geekshoes.com


Technical Difficulties+Twilight Series=Delayed Posts

laptop crashed and i have been reading a lot, which i really don't feel bad about.

i know...excuses, excuses. but seriously, i did quite a bit of shopping last weekend and have a lot i want to share. in the meantime, here are some pictures of my friend Rana's shoes from her Flickr: